
Led by a team with years of experience in both health club management and equipment manufacturing, the startup which provides smart gym solution is a genuinely innovative fitness brand. Cloud Interactive partnered with the company to develop a comprehensive digital experience for its members: the Smart Gym mobile app. The app seamlessly integrates all aspects of the high-end fitness club experience, from initial registration and group classes to coaching and goal setting. The smart gym then tracks workout performance using data from the company's cloud-connected equipment. This new platform makes a membership even more valuable by helping members achieve better results and feel confident in their fitness journeys.
Industry: Fitness
Company Size: 40 Employees
Revenue: $30 million TWD
Technology: UX/UI, App Development
Cloud Interactive helps fitness club to create a Smart Gym mobile app by using our UX/UI and App Development technology


Cloud Interactive worked with the innovative fitness start-up to develop a revolutionary, one-stop fitness platform called Smart Gym. Smart Gym integrates equipment management, fitness tracking, and member experiences onto a single platform. Smart Gym has helped the startup offer a high-value fitness experience to more customers while streamlining business processes and promoting growth organization-wide.


Gym member registration and course reservations have both climbed 80%
Better Operational Efficiency
Fitness coaches can manage courses with new ease and flexibility
Better Customer Loyalty
Members and coaches forge valuable connections and get greater fitness results


The smart gym identified a growing opportunity for fitness ventures, both locally in Taiwan and globally. A glance at the social media activity of fitness influencers and the followers who admire them is enough to prove that fitness is in style—perhaps now more than ever before. 

 As tech- and media-savvy consumers take up more active lifestyles, they expect fitness companies to leverage the latest technology to deliver a smooth, digitally integrated experience. But until now, fitness enthusiasts have had to make do with offerings from a range of legacy service providers. Smart gym knew that a disruptive approach was required to capitalize on rising trends.

 The approach smart gym chose acknowledges the central role of smartphones and wearable fitness tracking devices in the modern fitness lifestyle. The smart gym wanted to take these devices' potential to the next level, integrating fitness club membership into the fitness tracking experience through a comprehensive platform called Smart Gym.

The smart gym enlisted the team at Cloud Interactive to create a robust and easy-to-use solution.


For the Smart Gym app to succeed, it needed an extensive set of features that would be intuitive for diverse stakeholders to use. 

 Cloud Interactive's dedicated Agile Team focused on understanding members' perspectives and rapidly prototyping and field-testing solutions. Specialists in product design, user experience, user interface design, and engineers worked together in concert to imagine and implement smart gym’s vision.  

The resulting Smart Gym app disrupts the traditional fitness club model with an integrated, cloud-based approach. It also applies innovative gig-economy and resource-sharing strategies like those popularized by companies such as Airbnb and Uber. Built-in 'Members' Only' privileges, tools for coaches, and POS management add to the model's disruptive power. 

The high-efficiency nature of the overall Smart Gym environment has created increased interest from fitness coaches, who can open and manage courses with new ease and flexibility. Gym member registration and course reservations have both climbed, allowing members and coaches to forge valuable connections and get great fitness results. For the smart gym, the result is a positive feedback loop and increased user loyalty.


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