
The client is a non-profit government co-sponsored trade promotion organization. With five domestic offices and 63 overseas branches, it helps Taiwan businesses strengthen their international competitiveness. Cloud Interactive helped the organization develop a web-based platform to manage its images, videos, graphics, and documents from its own central workspace in the cloud.
Founded in 1970
Overseas Branches: 63
Industry: Non-profit Organization
Technology: Website Development, UX/UI, RWD
Cloud-based Digital Asset Management Software

Managing digital assets from a central workspace in the cloud

A well-organized library of photos, videos, and other creative assets can help an organization reach its full potential by optimizing communications processes. A digital asset library ensures that valuable resources are visible and available at the moment they’re needed, saving time, money, and frustration. Cloud Interactive helped the client build a cloud-based media library platform that allows the organization to store, organize, and share their digital assets, including images, videos, illustrations, brand guidelines, text documents, presentations, and more. This new platform empowers the organization to work more efficiently, communicate better, and promote its goals more effectively


Better Visibility into Cloud Spending
Our team receives and analyzes detailed spending and usage reports to help the client understand their fully-loaded costs in AWS Cloud.
Slashed A Major Project Cost
By adjusting the EC2 instance types based on the actual usage, we helped the client cloud storage fees, which made up 40% of this project’s cost.
Faster and Better Software Development
Using AWS saves time for the technology team, freeing them up to experiment and develop applications. The use of AWS resulted in a 30% faster time-to-launch for this project.


For many years, the organization found it increasingly difficult to share digital resources and communicate within teams, but lacked a suitable software solution. When they decided to work with Cloud Interactive to develop such a solution, they identified two priorities. 

First, the organization wanted to create a user-friendly experience for the end-users, their employees. Second, the organization wanted to shorten its software development cycles. They needed to get their employees up and running on the new system quickly, without running up infrastructure costs or monopolizing their technology team with the build process and support requests.


After interviewing the client, Cloud Interactive’s consultant suggested using Amazon Web Services (AWS) on-demand so that platform storage fees would be based on actual usage. This suggestion freed up resources for application development, resulting in savings for the client. AWS also provides the fastest and most efficient way for them to store, search, and review its massive store of internal documents, photos, and videos. 

Identifying AWS’s cost-saving potential has allowed Cloud Interactive to help the client build the platform from beginning to end within a tight budget. The ease with which developers can access computing, storage, and other resources from AWS has also enabled Cloud Interactive to develop new applications and services within weeks, rather than the months it would take to procure physical servers in an on-premises data center.

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