
Continental Engineering Corporation is the leading construction company in Asia. It is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, and has branches in India, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Since its founding in 1945, the company has completed major projects in Taiwan and abroad. The company has undertaken the development of international rapid transit systems, bridges, roads, high-quality residential buildings and office buildings, and regional infrastructure. The company has continued to expand through vertical integration and diversify its construction operations. The company approached Cloud Interactive looking for intelligent solutions to worksite management issues. Cloud Interactive built a cloud-based engineering project management system comprising two web application management systems and a mobile app.
Industry: Construction
Company Size: 800 Employees
Revenue: $929 million TWD
Technology: UX/UI, Software Design & Development
Cloud Interactive built a cloud-based engineering project management system that included two web applications and a mobile app with its custom software development service


Cloud Interactive used a thorough UX research process to ensure that the final e-solution incorporated diverse users' perspectives. The resulting apps helped the company improve efficiency, smooth workflows, and digitalize critical processes. Cloud Interactive's focus on friendly, accessible UX design ensured that the three apps truly added value and reduced frustration for all users.


Improved 3X work efficiency
Manpower requirements are reduced by 75%
UX Optimization
Improve the systems and user satisfaction


The client’s company was experiencing a rapid increase in the number of construction projects, ongoing expansion, and difficulty recruiting talent. The company sought web-based solutions to problems including:

  • Digitalizing the self-check process in front-line worksites

  • Effectively controlling worksites

  • Building an instant response and tracking reminder mechanism

Any app used in the construction industry faces challenges related to the large number of stakeholders involved in construction projects. Stakeholders also typically have a broad age range and diverse backgrounds, with widely varying levels of technological familiarity. Therefore, creating apps and other digital tools for the construction industry requires deep user experience expertise and a thorough UX research process.

The Cloud Interactive team came on board bearing extensive UX experience and a sensitivity to the needs of diverse users. Our goals were to help users achieve their work goals while also enhancing their user experience.


During the field research stage of this project, the Cloud Interactive design team observed and interviewed users and relevant stakeholders. In these interviews, we aimed to:

  • Determine problem areas and common issues experienced by existing users,

  • Discover new opportunities for e-solutions, and

  • Improve work efficiency and reduce required manpower. 

Our designers conferred with a wide variety of stakeholders, including an inspection engineer, security personnel, and a site director.

 Then, in the middle and late stages of the project, the team established a tracking mechanism to quantify the data collected and improve UX/UI.

At the completion of the UX research phase, our designers identified three strategies to focus on going forward:

  • Keep solutions simple and easy-to-use. Reduce the amount of information provided with each interaction to help users focus on their work.

  • Consider job roles, needs, and scenarios and design for these contexts. For example, engineers perform inspections outdoors, so the UI should emphasize short, light gestures to let them complete tasks quickly and easily.

  • Provide assistance to smooth the user experience. This includes tutorials, Q&A, tips to help correct errors, and more.

The e-solutions the Cloud Interactive team developed helped improve worksite efficiency while providing an intuitive, enjoyable user experience for all users.

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