
The company is a leading global wearables brand that sells wearable smart devices in the United States and internationally. Smartwatches have become more and more popular for people of all ages to make our lives more convenient, however, different age groups have different needs when using this useful tool. Seniors often struggle to keep up with fast-paced technology, find it complicated and then don’t want to use it, while parents want kids’ smartwatches with simple functions and simple GPS tracking. In order to satisfy every target user, the company came to Cloud Interactive to look for better customized solutions that truly help users in different groups.
Industry: Technology
Company Size: 1,694 Employees
Revenue: $1.43 billion USD
Technology: UX/UI
smart watch designed for kids and elders with bold numbers and playful setting

User-centered Intuitive Designs for Elders and Kids

Like the smartphone boom, smartwatches have become popular for people of all ages. However, not everyone quickly embraces this new technology. As for solutions, a good UI design can lessen the frustration of different age groups when adopting new technologies, and therefore will attract more users. The company came to Cloud Interactive to look for better customized solutions that truly help users in different age groups to make their lives more convenient through the smartwatches. Our design team therefore provided new sets of UI designs for mobile apps and watches that align with different users’ needs.


User-friendly Interface design
Improved user from different groups’ experiences with thorough designs
Willingness of adapting the new technology
Helped the company reaching bigger market opportunities by attracting users from different groups
Better Customer Loyalty
Customers tend to pick products with intuitive interface designs for better usage


Technology can offer many conveniences to seniors, however, it may also seem a little daunting. Smartwatches, in particular, offer many benefits to seniors, but seniors sometimes have lower self-confidence and higher anxiety when facing new technology. They offer many features that appeal to the elderly population, although there may be some initial challenges in learning how to use them. The company is eager to find solutions that could ease the frustration when new users first get on board with this new technology. In the meantime, smartwatches also provide a great way for parents to keep an eye on their children in a nonobstructive manner. While these smartwatches tend to be more primitive in terms of functionality, the functions included in these smartwatches should also be engineered to be useful in a kid’s lifestyle, such as being a lot more practical and playful.


Cloud Interactive’s design team used an outstanding illustration design to make the smartwatch more pleasing to the target age groups, which indeed improved the willingness of using the smartwatch. In the beginning, to better understand the users, we invited users from different age groups to our office to be interviewed. We focused on seniors aged over 65 and kids from 6-12 years old. We then conducted a series of questions and interviewed them individually. Our UX designers also walked the users through the entire onboarding process of connecting the app and watch together, and collected their feedback afterwards. 


In order to break the barrier for elders adopting new technology, our interface designs of both app and watch emphasized color contrast and larger font size to enhance readability, meanwhile it kept information simplified to motivate the elder users. Additionally, we made sure that the  “Fall Detection” function is clear, with obvious buttons of “Help” and “Cancel,” which are straightforward enough for the elders to react intuitively and easily in an emergency situation.


For kids, our design team provides children-oriented sets of fun and energetic character designs, making the use of simple watches more playful. Moreover, we understand parents are using the app mostly to stay in touch with their kids. Our design team made sure the GPS tracking function is convenient to use and showed the tracking feature intuitively on the map.  

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