
Poshmark is the leading online marketplace to buy and sell fashion, whether you're selling from a boutique or your own closet. Poshmark's easy-to-use website and app have been the cornerstones of its success. Poshmark partnered with Cloud Interactive to build on this foundation with visual marketing assets to accelerate its business.
Industry: Fashion
Company Size: 300 Employees
Revenue: $200 million USD
Technology: Visual Design
Cloud Interactive helped Poshmark build visual marketing assets and redesign its online platforms to accelerate its business


The Cloud Interactive team creates visual marketing assets that have helped Poshmark grow its brand and drive sales. Services provided include responsive email design, site-wide and in-app promotional banners, and user interface design. The resulting marketing assets leverage Poshmark’s vast user-generated resources to boost user engagement and sales.


Increase Brand Awareness
Improved visual imagery in the brand storytelling and increased the brand awareness.
Boost User Engagement
Increased user engagement and enhanced the overall shopping experience.
Increased sale conversions and had driven sales by 80%


Poshmark launched in 2011 when founder and CEO Manish Chandra looked inside his wife's closet and noticed clothes that were seldom worn. Chandra recognized a pain point shared by many fashion consumers and developed a plan to solve it by building an online fashion platform. Today, Poshmark gathers over $4 million worth of inventory every day and has reached its goal of impacting high-end luxury brands in the physical retail space.

When designing experiences, Poshmark follows one simple guiding principle: buying and selling on Poshmark should be fun. To sell an item, a user snaps and uploads a photo. Selling the item frees up space in the seller's closet--which they can fill by shopping for new items on Poshmark.

Poshmark's dedication to simplicity and convenience, paired with their trust in the wisdom of their users' whims, accounts for the platform's remarkable growth: over 100 million items for sale, representing more than thousands of different brands.

Poshmark's continued growth depends on savvy marketing strategies that honor the central role of its fashion-conscious users. These strategies must stay true to the brand's fun yet elite vibe while making users feel simultaneously catered to and relied upon for their excellent taste. Cloud Interactive partnered with Poshmark to realize this vision.


Cloud Interactive works with Poshmark to create compelling marketing materials and strategies that support and enhance Poshmark's strong sense of brand. The scope of work includes visual design, user interfaces, responsive email design, and promotional materials.

The Poshmark and Cloud Interactive teams work together to distill thousands of user-generated visual assets into valuable branding and marketing materials. Featured online social functions include the "Posh Insider" and the new "Posh Stylist Match," which instantly connects the requestee to another user who acts as a designated stylist. 

With the help of the Cloud Interactive team, Poshmark leverages its existing user-generated resources to foster community and drive sales. These strategies have helped Poshmark increase sales, grow its brand, and make waves in the fashion retail space.

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