
The client is a global advertising agency with offices in 27 countries and is headquartered in London. It is now one of the biggest independent creative networks in the world. Cloud Interactive provides a sophisticated continuous-learning AI platform for monitoring, analyzing and optimizing their digital advertising campaign performance. The data-driven platform empowers the ad managers to optimize CPC/CPA, conversion, and overall return on advertising spend.
Industry: Advertising & Marketing
Company Size: 1,806 Employees
Annual Revenue: $536 million (USD)
Technology: AI, Big Data Analytics

Go to Market Faster

The client’s new data management platform is built upon Cloud Interactive DMP, a streaming-AI platform that reveals insights from data in real-time. Cloud Interactive DMP is developed by Cloud Interactive in conjunction with Amazon Web Services, a leading provider of cloud computing infrastructure. By leveraging Cloud Interactive DMP, the client’s time to market was reduced from years to months, and allowed them to grow their product and service offerings without expensive system redevelopment.


Target Ads Accurately
Target Your Ads Accurately to The Right Audience and Increase Revenue.
Streamline Data
All Data Is Stored onto One Platform and Simpler to Manage.
Campaign Budget Optimization
Optimize Cross-Device Campaign Management and Spend Budget more Effectively.


The client coordinates and manages ad campaigns that are distributed across the world and span numerous channels and platforms. As campaigns grow in scale, it becomes impossible to manage metrics from an ever increasing number of disparate data sources by hand. Campaigns need to be dynamically tuned and targeted for optimum reach & results. But how can this happen when the sheer volume of data coming in becomes overwhelming?


Cloud Interactive lent its deep experience in machine learning and data channel integration to build a platform which reports and reveals insights hidden within client’s campaign data. By pooling reaction and response statistics into a single point, the platform built by Cloud Interactive reveals a holistic view of campaign performance and allows campaign managers to make informed decisions. By integrating historical data, the client’s custom solution predicts campaign performance in an objective manner, optimizing the value of every dollar spent by their clients.

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