How To Use Digital Transformation To Take Your Company To The Next Level
Every digital transformation journey must start with a vision and strategy that solves real problems for your business, prioritizes where to spend, where to focus on quick wins, and where you are willing to invest and take risks.
Feb 10,2023

The entire digital transformation agenda must be well-thought-out. When the digital vision is not clear, that affects the speed of adoption of both senior management and middle management. Every digital transformation journey must start with a vision and strategy that solves real problems for your business, prioritizes where to spend, where to focus on quick wins, and where you are willing to invest and take risks.

Digital transformation is integrating digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing the way an organization operates to boost efficiency and operations, in many cases within existing systems.

Which companies can most benefit from a Digital Transformation?

At the height of the pandemic, companies were forced to innovate — and do so quickly — to continue operations and serve customers. Thus, we believe that all companies across different industries must have a digital transformation strategy.

We’d love to hear about your experiences helping others with Digital Transformation. In your experience, how has Digital Transformation helped improve operations, processes and customer experiences? We’d love to hear some stories if possible.

Cloud Interactive has proved that the new emerging technologies have increased potential to boost efficiency and operations for the business, in many cases within our clients’ existing systems.We followed our expert-created and battle-tested approach to business process consulting. Our process consists of the following stages:

Discovery Phase — Identifying and Analyzing the Business Process

In the first stage, we help identify which processes need improvement most through detailed interviews with end-users. After generating the initial systems architecture and business process concepts, our team systematically analyzes the company’s current business situation, gathers feedback from stakeholders, and communicates internally and externally to create optimal solutions targeted toward specific business goals.

Evaluation Phase — Specify Improvement Points and Provide Custom Solutions

In this stage, the executive team steps into the project. With all the consultants’ information in hand, the executive team defines how business processes happen now and how your company envisions them happening in the future. We usually offer five types of business process optimization solutions: Business Growth, Internationalization, Software Upgrade, Data Analysis, and Hardware Upgrade.

Our business process transformation consultants helped Panasonic optimize complex business processes and establish a cost-effective business operations process.


Has integrating Digital Transformation been a challenging process for some companies? What are the challenges? How do you help resolve them?

Based on our experience helping client businesses across several industries, we’ve found enterprises face these common challenges when integrating digital transformation.

  • Lack of Expertise to Lead Digitization Initiatives.

  • Lack of Overall Digitization Strategy.

  • Limited Budget.


Our comprehensive team of data scientists, engineers, designers, and app developers helps companies in highly specialized sectors architect and implement innovative solutions. Our San Francisco leadership team brings cutting-edge Silicon Valley innovation, while our operation in Taipei ensures the availability of top talent and houses a thorough understanding of the global business environment. Most importantly, we provide customized solutions which can adapt to each clients’ budget.

In the age of digital transformation, companies will need to partner, rather than go it alone. At Cloud Interactive, we have a comprehensive team of data scientists, engineers, designers, and app developers to help companies in highly specialized sectors architect and implement innovative systems.

Tip 1 “DO” Create a digital roadmap and vision.

The entire digital transformation agenda must be well-thought-out. When the digital vision is not clear, that affects the speed of adoption of both senior management and middle management. Every digital transformation journey must start with a vision and strategy that solves real problems for your business, prioritizes where to spend, where to focus on quick wins, and where you are willing to invest and take risks. Which brings us to Tip 2:

Tip 2 “STOP” being risk-averse.

Research from Deloitte and MIT Sloan Management Review shows that risk-taking, experimentation, and failure are all necessary elements for fostering innovation, but most organizations are optimized for efficiency and productivity. In order to become market leaders, companies must facilitate a shift in mindset at their organization to allow and even embrace a certain amount of risk.

Tip 3 “DO” Optimize operations.

Real digital transformation comes from the way businesses change operations to capture the benefits that come from these technological innovations. By executing projects with a long-term plan for operational implementation, your business will be more efficient and ultimately more creative, spending increased time on innovations and less on roadblocks. Make sure to also follow Tip 4 for implementation success:

Tip 4 “DO” Double-down on design maturity.

Design is about problem-solving. It’s about reframing the problems and challenges faced by an organization and alleviating them through design thinking methods. Technologies can be developed with the user experience in mind upfront, preventing costly and difficult to correct issues down the road, and ensuring better (and happier) adoption. Companies striving towards design maturity will reap better rewards alongside digital transformation.

Tip 5 “DO” Consistently evaluate and make adjustments.

According to Forrester Research, companies will never be truly transformed. As a company and industry need to evolve, these changes will be even more crucial, so having consistent and ongoing evaluations is essential to long-term success. Using metrics and sharing them in ways that specific teams can leverage is necessary for growth.

In your opinion, how can companies best create a “culture of innovation” in order to create new competitive advantages?

Set clear and actionable goals

Cultivate external relationships and choose innovation metrics wisely

Don’t be afraid to take action — and quickly

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” — Walt Disney

I heard this quote at a young age and really stuck with me. It helped me start my first company at the age of 25 and again 10 years later when I founded Cloud Interactive. Now we tell our customers, “if you can dream it, we can build it!”

Gary Chai is the founder of Cloud Interactive, an AI Systems Consulting, Software Engineering, Design, and Integration company headquartered in Taipei; with offices in San Francisco, Dubai, and Amsterdam. Gary started his career at Netscape, where he helped design the UI for Netscape browsers and Netcenter. As a San Francisco native with twenty years of global user experience for Fortune 500 companies, Gary has been helping to drive company growth and ensure the successful outcome of each project and has a proven track record of building successful and profitable companies. Prior to Cloud Interactive, he was CEO for DesignMap Inc., an interaction design-focused design firm, which was one of the top 40 interactive design agencies in America.

Digital Transformation
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