
Amway Taiwan was established in November 1982 and has over 500 employees. It boasts a network of over 360,000 direct sellers and members across Taiwan.
Industry: Direct Selling Related Industry
Company Size: 500 Employees
The largest direct selling company in Taiwan
Applied Technologies: RWD Web Design, UX/UI Design
Crafting Digital Experiences, Navigating Sales Success

Crafting Digital Experiences, Navigating Sales Success

At Cloud Interactive, creating seamless and user-centric experiences is at the heart of everything we do. In collaboration with Amway, we've implemented various strategies to enhance the website user experience. Our first step was to revamp the website, with a focus on intuitive navigation and a clear layout, while showcasing product features prominently with captivating images and videos. We also ensured that the website was optimized for display on various devices through the adoption of responsive web design (RWD). Finally, the website optimized its online sales channels, offering convenient purchase options, and delved into consumer needs through data analysis capabilities.


Platform usage rate increased by 90%
Over 2,000 product exposures within 3 months.
Customer satisfaction improved by 80%


Despite the company's excellent product quality, their website user experience didn't meet market expectations. Unclear navigation, along with complex videos and articles on the old website, made searching and reading difficult. Additionally, their new product was not grabbing consumers’ attentention, impacting online sales performance.


We optimized user experience and SEO by conducting front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allowed users to easily find the information they need. Additionally, we embedded GA tracking code to track user actions, optimizing user experience and marketing strategies. Throughout development, we maintained a focus on website stability and security, conducting comprehensive functional and security testing to ensure smooth operation and secure user data. These measures enhance website quality, reduce errors, and foster user trust and loyalty. Through GA data, Amway gains deeper insights into potential customer demographics, boosting website traffic and product conversion rates.

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